EMF METER Are you serious about avoiding excessive EMF? If you are, you will want to measure it, or at least detect it. An EMF meter or detector can be a great help in establishing just where the EMF hotspots are, in your home and workplace. You may be able to borrow an EMF meter, or you may want to own it. If you have just one concern and want to put your mind at rest, then a borrowed instrument will probably do the job, although they can be hard to find. But if you own one, you will probably become interested enough to use it often. In my case, originally I wanted to do a complete survey of my house, and my office. Since then I often bring it out when a new electrical appliance comes through my door! Also, when it becomes known that you have an EMF meter, you will be surprised how many of your friends want you to measure around their desk at the office, or areas in their homes. Even the ones who say they don't believe that EMFs do any harm! In fact, seeing a reading on the EMF meter convinces many previous skeptics that they need to be more careful about electromagnetic radiation. It's a good way to help spread awareness. . An emf detector is usually a small device, which you can carry around with you wherever you go, in a handbag or pocket, for example. It alerts you when you enter a high-emf area. On some models you can adjust the threshold level. An emf meter will measure the electromagnetic radiation and display the reading on a dial or a digital display. Typically you don't carry it around with you everywhere you go - people might think you were slightly weird! For me, the emf meter is the more useful item, because when I find a high-radiation area, I generally want to know just how "hot" it is. But the emf detector does have its place, and one factor in its favour is cost - etectors are usually cheaper than meters.